How we got to the AI present
The Web that was, how we lost our way, and how to fulfill our promise to The Future.
Why we don't do the things we should do.
Now that my site platform of choice has stabilized, I turned my attention to design. This draws much inspiration from my local development environment and visual aesthetic.
With the 1.0 beta of Astro being available, I decided it was time to finally upgrade this site. Please forgive the dust, there's been a lot of work under the hood.
I built a prototype for an IBM client using Chakra-UI
One of the ways I got my hands moving in React again was to repeat the Carbon Design System - React tutorial, this time around with my personal account.
To get greater functionality and flexibility, I rebuilt this site using Astro.
When I first set out to build this site, I wanted to learn modern web tooling that was different from the traditional server-based hosting I had used for the first half of my career, and not as heavy as the roll-your-own cloud-hosting DevOps that I had been part of at my last few jobs.
For my initial setup of this site, I wanted to try out using Tailwind CSS for the first time. I found it quick to learn and have fun working with!